
Common British variety.
Getting towards the end of the day, and I still hadn’t got my photo. My wife spotted this passionflower growing on the roadside. That’ll do nicely!
I no expert on plants, but I did at least know what this was. Is it any relation to to fruit, we wondered? Well, yes and no. There are a number of varieties, apparently. Whilst most species produce fruit, the humble British plant is not so well known for producing edible fruit.
This is the Blue Passionflower. A glorious blaze of colour against the dark green of the leaf. A remarkable geometric design with 3 stigmas.
Going in close, and using the longest focal length of the lens and the widest aperture at this setting. This gives a nice depth of field, blurring the background so that the leaves can still be identified, but without them dominating the shot.
Photograph Details:
- Taken: 28 Sep 2017
- Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M10 MkIIA
- Lens: Olympus 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6
- Focal Length 42mm
- F/5.6
- 1/40 Sec
- ISO 1000