Winton, Bournemouth at Night in the Rain.

Looking down Peters Hill.
Staying with the Night-time theme, this is Winton, Bournemouth, taken from the top of Peters Hill. When I was growing up in Bournemouth, this scene was filled with all the well-known supermarkets. On the left, was a Tesco Home and Wear, on the right, Granvilles. Then, International, Fine Fare, Mac Fisheries, Sainsbury’s, to name but a few. Now, all there is is the new kid on the block. Lidl, where the Coop used to be.
Another interesting piece of history is that this road (Wimborne Road) used to have alternate side parking restrictions. Considered not wide enough to allow parking on both sides, you could park on one side or the other – depending on what day of the week it was. Reversible signs advertised which side you could park that day. Presumably, this was so as not to advantage or disadvantage one side of the road over the other.
The side road in the immediate foreground is Privet Road. I remember this as a very narrow, one-way road. Where the wall is now was, indeed, a privet hedge. Opposite the end of this road was Winton, Bournemouth URC. A development, including an Iceland, now stands her. The URC built a new church just around the corner. Just behind where the picture was taken from is the old Fire Station.
In the far distance, it is known as Winton Banks. So called, because all the major banks had a building either on or close to the major road junction. In fact, most are still represented. Midland (HSBC) is gone, and Lloyds is now in what was the Trustee Savings Bank (TSB).
I had intended taking my photograph of Winton, Bournemouth, from the other side of the road. Unfortunately, there was so much misty rain, the lens ended up being well covered! I am still slightly undecided as to which was the better photograph. If it hadn’t been quite so wet, I may have stayed longer and experimented a bit more. However, I am pleased with the result, especially the colours and reflections in today’s chosen image.
Photograph Details
- Taken: 6 Feb 2017
- Camera: Canon 5D MkIII
- Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm 1:2.8 L II USM
- Focal Length 70mm
- F/20
- 30 Sec
- ISO 100