Jericho, Oxford.

Looking down Canal Street.
One time a run down and undesirable area of Oxford. More recently, Jericho has seen an increase in favour, and properties have become much more desirable.
This is a view looking north along Canal Street. This runs parallel to the Oxford Canal. The Italianate campanile (tower) of St Barnabas Church is a landmark to boaters as they approach the City. The church dates back to 1869. It is Grade I listed.
The white building on the corner immediately before the church is the former Crown Pub. Now a private house, it belonged to the Oxford-based Halls Oxford and West Brewery.
To the right, with the red paint, is the Jericho Community Centre. This is now the hub of this revitalised district of Oxford.
With the campanile being so tall, I have had to tilt the camera upward. This gives the converging verticals. i was tempted to straighten them in Photoshop. However, I like this impression that the houses on the right are somehow “bowing” towards the tower, as if in respect. Being a little bit of a grey day, I have enhanced this photograph. A bit of gentle HDR treatment has lifted the colours and interest in the sky.
Photograph Details:
- Taken: 26 Sep 2017
- Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M10 MkIIA
- Lens: Olympus 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6
- Focal Length 14mm
- F/8
- 1/200 Sec
- ISO 200