Uncle Ben’s Bridge.
Back to my favourite kind of photograph. A long exposure of a canal scene! Where the name comes from appears to be something of a mystery. Normally informative websites reveal no clues. It is extremely unlikely that it is anything to do with a certain brand of rice, as that company was not formed until 1947 in America – apparently named after a Texan rice farmer. So, why Uncle Ben’s Bridge is so named remains unknown.We are looking towards a “winding hole” (pronounced wind as in moving air rather than what you might do to a clock), where boats could be turned. Beyond the winding hole was a large industrial area which would have generated canal traffic in its heyday. After being derelict for years, a new housing development is being built on the site.
- Taken: 4 Mar 2020
- Camera: Canon 5D MkIII
- Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm 1:2.8 L II USM
- Focal Length 24mm
- F/20
- 30 Sec
- ISO 2000